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We have worked with Danny Summers of Indigo Web (and in previous jobs) since the establishment of Precinct Urban Planning in Toowoomba. Indigo Web has provided IT and Web based services to our business including Website development and maintenance, web based marketing and client communication services. We could not be happier with the services Indigo web have provided which have always been delivered in a timely and cost effective manner.

Andrew Bullen,
Director, Precinct Urban Planning

Online Stores

The internet presents an amazing opportunity for businesses. In the past, retailers were limited to operating only traditional bricks-and-mortar stores. The internet is well and truly established and is now the preferred medium of consumers. All of a sudden, geography is no boundary and several barriers to entry have been removed. Stores can now expand their operations online with relatively low start-up costs.

There are many different avenues you can take when getting your online store off the ground. The area Indigo Web focuses on, is custom designed and developed websites. This means that by delivering a higher quality, custom solution, your website will stand out from the crowd and inspire trust in your audience.

Business Integration 

When planning your online store, we analyse your internal processes and then recommend ways to integrate your business processes and ensure that your online business can run efficiently.

User Experience 

We examine the shopping experience from a user perspective to ensure a streamlined and simple shopping experience. 


Security is just as important to us as it is to your customer, so we make sure that any sensitive information is transmitted using SSL security encryption.

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