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Website Design & Development

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JP Smith’s Recruitment Website Outdoes Seek in Candidate Search: Case Study

Recruitment websites have a big job to do. This one is excelling and meeting all its KPIs.

A total website rebuild was needed

Jamie Smith is the Director of JP Smith Recruitment & Human Resources. He’s been with Indigo Web for over a decade, so they were a natural fit when it was time to do a ground-up rebuild of JP Smith Recruitment’s site.

Recruitment websites have an extra job to do because they have two audiences – employers and candidates. Not only that, but the system has to integrate with the business CRM (Customer Relationship Management software) and job posting boards. That means the site must work seamlessly with third party software.

A recruitment website must be user-friendly too, because candidates and employers interact via contact fields and forms. Customers use the website to research services, make enquiries and book appointments. The site will lose business if it doesn’t work smoothly.

And, of course, clients need to find the site, the jobs, and the services in the first place.

Working with Indigo Web

Jamie and the Indigo team sat down and workshopped the new website, mapping out the customer journeys, the functions and the design.

‘One of the main briefs was lots of clean, white space, easy navigation, not too much scrolling and clicking. A user-friendly, simple site,’ Jamie said. 

The other crucial factor was a site that did its job and made money for the business. 

‘Danny and Indigo were very focused on making sure our site provided a return on investment. Not just pretty pictures and nice words.’

Jamie also commented that working with Indigo Web means not getting ‘bombarded with technobabble.’ The team just tell it like it is and are clear about what works and what doesn’t.

What do customers think of the new website?

Jamie monitors everything his business does, and that includes the website. Candidates are asked for feedback on navigation and usability.

The result? The website is rating a constant 9 or 10.

And that’s not all. 

‘Candidates gave us feedback during interviews and told us that they’d found the job on our website, not on Seek or a service like that.’

What does Jamie think?

Working with Indigo Web has been a ‘thoroughly enjoyable’ process. So much so that Jamie can say, ‘We’re proud of our website, we put links to it wherever we can - emails, brochures, newsletters and so on.’

Adding a link with a specific name - for example, is another useful function. Clients may not be aware of the full range of services provided by JP Smith, but this is proving to be an excellent way to promote them.

The newsletter is having another great benefit too:

‘We make a placement every time we send out a newsletter. We highlight some candidates and sure enough, at least one of those people will find a role.’

Great SEO = great leads

A recruitment website can’t help employers or candidates if it doesn’t show up in a Google search. That happens via SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation.

‘Search Engine Optimisation gets us to the top of Google,’ Jamie says. ‘It’s worked really well for us.’

‘Indigo Web has helped get us up to the top of Google where we need to be, with what we need to be.’

Jamie’s advice to businesses needing a new recruitment website

Jamie was involved throughout the whole rebuild process. He has the following advice to share:

  • Make sure you have a clear understanding of what you do well, who your target markets are and what your clients want – not just what you want. 
  • Give your web designer a detailed, solid brief.
  • Make sure your provider has a good technological understanding so all the functions integrate well.
  • Get a Content Management System that is simple and easy to use, so your staff can update your content. Indigo Web uses Umbraco – ‘The Content Management System is a cracker,’ Jamie says.
  • Your website should be like ‘that great colleague, the one that just sits there and gets their work done.’ That means it should function well and if anything doesn’t work out, you need a website provider who will look after you into the future. 

Do you want results like Jamie’s?

Give us a call on 07 4638 7552. Or get in touch.

This site features:

  • Umbraco for super-flexible content management.
  • Fully mobile responsive.
  • A good combination of resources for candidates and business.
  • Instant search: candidates can start typing and immediately see appropriate positions.
  • Integration with JP Smith's job management software to ensure current positions are always reflected on the website.

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