Pink October

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Pink October

Well Pink October is well under way and I must say it’s fantastic to see so many local businesses doing their part to raise awareness.

As I mentioned in my last post, I have organised a guest blogger to discuss the importance of breast cancer awareness.  Our blogger today is Amber Hughes, a Radiation Therapist for Radiation Oncology Queensland (ROQ).  With Amber’s experience, she has seen what breast cancer can do at it’s varying level of severity.


My name is Amber Hughes, and I am very privileged to have the opportunity to be Indigo Web’s guest blogger this month.

October is Pink Ribbon Month, with Pink Ribbon Day approaching very soon on Monday October 25.

My career as a Radiation Therapist means that I will see many brave women each day, week, month and year living with a diagnosis of breast cancer. These ladies I encounter are just a handful of over 12,000 here in Australia who will be diagnosed in one year alone.  Look around you. Girlfriends, wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, grandmothers: statistics are, 1 in 11 of these women will be diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 75.

This is why October is so important in the fight against breast cancer.

Pink Ribbon Month puts an often awkward  subject out in the open. Nobody wants to talk about cancer. But, on Pink Ribbon Day this year, I would encourage you to remind a close female relative to do a self – examination, or if she’s over the age of 50, ask if she’s had a mammogram within the past two years. Early detection results in much better overall survival rates, so make sure your loved ones are aware this month.

You can also show your support by purchasing Pink Ribbon Day merchandise or make a donation to fund much needed research for prevention and a cure.

Think pink this October!


For further reading, I recommend these websites:
The National Breast Cancer Foundation –
Pink Ribbon Day –
Breast Cancer Australia –


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