New website for some old friends

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New website for some old friends

It’s always very exciting when clients come back to refresh their online presence. Our clients, RuralFab, have been with us since the beginning, and we are proud to be able to assist them with their new & exciting re-brand to “Compliant Steel”. Along with an awesome new logo from Black Canvas, Compliant Steel now have a brand new website.

Compliant Steel rebranded from RuralFab to allow them to expand their services from Fabrication, to incorporate Building & Construction services as well.

Compliant Steel is one of our first Responsive Websites to be built to meet the growing trend in smartphone usage.  Many of our projects these days are built to adapt in size, to better suit a smaller screen and improve the user experience while viewing from these devices.

Check Compliant Steel out at >


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2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grants

Was your business affected by the latest lockdowns? Your small business may be eligible for Queensland government 2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grant

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